Small Group Guidelines

Small Group Leader Guidelines:

Step #1:

Decide on day, time & place to meet for 40 weeks, Invite 1-11 dads and have them order the Alpha Dad Army: 40 Day Basic Training Workbook.

Step #2:

During the first meeting review these group guidelines:

  • RESPECT TIME: Ensure everyone knows start/stop time & stick to it. (Recommend 60-90 minutes per meeting)
  • CONFIDENTIALITY: What is said in the group must stay in the group.
  • LISTEN: Value one another during the discussions by listening to what is being shared, keep distractions to a minimum.
  • SILENCE: Silence is ok, pausing provides the opportunity for the group to process a topic, question or comment.
  • DON’T FIX: Resist the urge to solve someone’s problem, give encouragement outside of the group or if they ask for your opinion.
  • SHARING: Be sensitive to how long you are sharing so everyone gets enough time to express themselves & stay on topic.
  • USE “I” STATEMENTS: When responding use “I” statements instead of “them”, “us”, “we”, etc., to make it personal & not abstract.

Step #3:

Kick off the meeting with a prayer, rotate who does this prayer every week. Then ask for a volunteer to recite the memory verse from the previous week, take a couple minutes to discuss the meaning of it and how to apply it to life.

Step #4:

Ensure everyone has their Alpha Dad Army: 40 Day Basic Training workbook, turn to the day, which will correlate to the week, (i.e. Day 1=Week 1) that you are on and take turns reading through the lesson; then complete the action(s) individually or as a group (the Pushup challenge can be done at home before or after the group session).

Step #5:

After the lesson is read & the action item(s) complete (some will need to be followed up at home), the Small Group Leader will facilitate the discussion using the questions provided and their own follow up questions to have a robust discussion on the topic! (After the discussion, the “Small Group Leader” will summarize the main takeaways, wrap up & close the meeting in prayer!)

Week-1: Review Guidelines/Know Thy Enemy
Are there any questions regarding the guidelines? Who is your true enemy? What evidence do you see that you are under attack?

Memorize: 1 Peter 5:8

Week-2: Know Thyself
Are you a natural, carnal or spiritual man? How aligned are you between your private & public life? What area(s) of your heart do you struggle with the most? How does the enemy use this weakness against you?

Memorize: Mark 4:22

Week-3: Guard Your Heart
What boats do you need to burn? Why?

Memorize: 1 John 2:16

Week-4: Legacy
How do you want to be remembered at your funeral? What are your eulogy virtues? What can you start doing today to leave a God honoring legacy?

Memorize: Deuteronomy 6:4-7

Week-5: Attack Plan
What is your life’s mission? What do you need to adjust to begin living on mission?

Memorize: Habakkuk 2:2

Week-6: Spiritual Health
What is your bible reading schedule? What is your prayer routine? Spend time praying for each families needs.

Memorize: Timothy 4:7-8

Week-7: Spiritual Health P.2
What Church does everyone go to? What acts of service do you and your family do? What is one spiritual disciple you need to do more of in your life? What can you do to make it happen?

Memorize: Ephesians 2:10

Week-8: Mental Health
Do you struggle with depression? If so, have you done anything about it? Do you struggle with anxiety? If so, have you done anything about it? What are your coping strategies?

Memorize: 1 Peter 5:7

Week-9: Mental Health P.2
Did you identify an addiction? What steps have you taken to break the addiction cycle? How is your social media usage?

Memorize: 2 Timothy 1:7

Week-10: Physical Health
Are you at your “fighting weight “? Have you gotten a physical in the last 2 yrs? What is your exercise routine? What is your nutrition plan?

Memorize: 1 Corinthians 6:19

Week-11: Physical Health P.2
Do you get enough sleep? Do you have acute or chronic stress in your life? How do you manage it?

Memorize: 1 Timothy 4:8

Week-12: Family Health
Do you pray with your wife & kids? What is an element from the family health assessment did you choose to improve? What steps will you take this week?

Memorize: Ephesians 6:4

Week-13: Financial Health
What is your view of money? Are you sufficiently providing for your family? What is your occupation? When was the last time you asked for a raise? Have you ever considered a side-hustle? Do you share your abundance? How?

Memorize: Colossians 3:23-24

Week-14: Financial Health P.2
Do you spend less than you make? Is your debt to income a concern? Do you follow a budget? Do you have an emergency fund set up? Are you investing regularly for retirement? Does your wife know how to access finance accounts in the event of your death?

Memorize: 1 Timothy 6:10

Week-15: SMART Goals
What are your goals? Are they SMART?

Memorize: Proverbs 16:9

Week-16: Keystone Habits
What is one habit you wish to break? What is one keystone habit you wish to start?

Memorize: Ephesians 5:20

Week-17: Every Dads Battle
Do you struggle with lust? What do you think it means, as a dog return to its vomit, so a fool repeats his stupidity? (Proverbs 26:11) When do you think temptation crosses the line into sin?

Memorize: Matthew 5:28

Week-18: Fireproof Marriage
Do you honor your wife? Do you pray with your wife? How do you manage conflict? What does God think about divorce? Which of your wife’s needs to you need to focus on?

Memorize: Ephesians 5:25

Week-19: Fatherhood
Tell us about your kids & what season of fatherhood are you in? What are your top three responsibilities? Do you father for performance or their heart? How “locked-in” are you? What can you do to be a better father?

Memorize: Psalm 127:3-5

Week-20: Discipleship
Is passing your faith to your children a priority for you? Are you living a life worthy of imitation? What is a service project you can do as a family this year? Are you in the stands, on the sidelines or in the game?

Memorize: 3 John 1:4

Week-21: Discipleship P.2
Where are each of your children spiritually right now? What can you start doing to nudge them toward the Lord? Do you regularly pray for & with your children? How often?

Memorize: Joshua 24:15

Week-22: Project 18
Who do you think is ultimately responsible for teaching your children spiritual truths? Do you know what your kids should know about God? How can you incorporate regularly teaching your children life lessons? Download the Project 18 checklist.

Memorize: Proverbs 22:6

Week-23: Testimony
Take this time to share your testimony with the group.

Memorize: Luke 12:8-9

Week-24: On-Mission
What have you done so far in your life to as part of the body of Christ to help advance the Kingdom? What does the scripture, the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few mean to you? What is your S.H.A.P.E.? Going forward, how can you fulfill the great commission with your time, talents & treasure?

Memorize: Matthew 28: 19-20

Week-25: Professional Dads
Do you know any stay-at-home dads? How can you use the “law of forced efficiency” to manage your daily tasks? What task did you choose & how is it associated with a P.E.R.M.A. Element? What tasks can you eliminate?

Memorize: Mark 10:43

Week-26: Love is Patient
How is your patience? What sets you off? Do you ever get angry? Do you express your frustration or keep it bottled up?

Memorize: Corinthians 13:4

Week-27: Leadership 101
What does leadership mean to you? What leadership roles are you performing now? What is your leadership style? What is servant leadership? Based on the leadership assessment, what areas do you need to improve?

Memorize: Mark 10:45

Week-28: Effective Communication
What are the three stages if effective communication? What is your communication style? How are you with active listening? How is your communication with your wife & kids?

Memorize: Ephesians 4:29

Week-29: I Am a Sheepdog
Out of the 25 safety & security risks, which concern you the most & why? What are some prevention best practices you can implement? What is one action you can take this week to improve the protection of your family?

Memorize: Psalm 18:2

Week-30: Keep Watch
What are your thoughts on the return of Christ? What signs are you aware of? Would you be ready today if he returned?

Memorize: Revelation 16:15

Week-31: Defender of Faith
What evidence do you see that points to intelligent design? Why do you believe in God? Why did you choose Christianity as your faith?

Memorize: Matthew 7:6

Week-32: Absolute Truth
What does our culture say about absolute truth? How can we discern absolute truth in our lives? What things in your life are trying to influence you away from God?

Memorize: John 14:6

Week-33: Brotherhood
Do you have regular fellowship with brothers in Christ? What do you think the scripture “as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another, means?” Besides your wife, who holds you accountable in your life?

Memorize: Proverbs 27:17

Week-34: Fishers of Men
What does it mean to be a fisher of men? We’re you able to identify (3) men you could intentionally reach out? Take time to pray for all of these men, then send them the link.

Memorize: Matthew 4:19

Week-35: Alpha Grandad
What legacy do you want to leave for your grandchildren? Pray for your future grandchildren now.

Memorize: Proverbs 17:6

Week-36: Well Done
What do you believe happens when you die? What do you think about your own death, do you have regrets, fear, peace, etc.? How do you need to live now to hear “well done” in heaven?

Memorize: Matthew 25:21

Week-37: Finish Strong
Let's review the action items up to now, are there any that still need completed? Are there any we want to revisit and discuss further? Are there any loose ends that need tied off?

Memorize: 2 Timothy 4:7

Week-38: Vital Few
We're you able to identify your vital few? What game changers have you identified? Now the question is, are you ready to take the actions necessary to have the life God wants you to have? What will you do today to begin?

Memorize: Hebrews 12:1-3

Week-39: Massive Action
Read the creed out loud, then sign if you are in agreement. Go to under the resources tab and sign the e-pledge!

Memorize the Alpha Dad Army pledge

Week-40: Marching Orders
Review the marching orders. Pray for the mission of the Alpha Dad Army. Discuss how you will keep in touch with each other going forward, consider doing a bible study, setting up an accountability group or doing a service project together!

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